Multirotor Design Team
Missouri MRR

The Missouri S&T Multirotor Robot Design Team devlops autonomous drones to compete in competitions, including the International Aerial Robotics Competition and the Student Unmanned Aerial Systems Competition. As a member of the Computer Vision Team, I developed algorithms to solve complex problems, such as determining the location of a module.

I served in multiple leadership roles on the design team. I served as the Computer Vision Team Lead from August 2020 to August 2021, taking leadership over the computer vision team. I was elected as the Chief Software Engineer of the design team for the 2022-23 school year, leading the entire software division of the team.

Competitions Worked on:

  • SUAS-2023 View on GitHub
  • SUAS-2022 View on GitHub
  • IARC-2020 View on GitHub

Tech Used:

  • Python
    • Numpy
    • OpenCV
    • PyTesseract
  • Git
Internet Archive Downloader

Python utility for downloading files from an archive on the Internet Archive. Uses the internetarchive package for downloading files. Utilizes multiprocessing to download multiple files simultaneously and speed up the download of archives with a large number of files.


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Tech Used:

  • Python
    • NumPy

My own website, hosted on GitHub Pages, that was built from the ground-up using custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Continually improved and updated by me.


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Tech Used:

  • HTML and CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Domain Name Resolution and DNS Records
Plotting Q-Learning
Episode-Reward Line Graph

A tool for plotting and visualizing data from Q-Learning projects using the Python Pandas Library.


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Tech Used:

  • Python
    • Pandas
    • Matplotlib
    • NumPy
  • Q-Learning
Q-Learning Cart Pole
Cart Pole

A solution to the Cart Pole problem in the Python OpenAI Gym Library. Uses Q-Learning to create a model to balance a pole on a cart.


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Tech Used:

  • Python (with OpenAI Gym Library)
  • Q-Learning
Chroma Key
Green Screen

A tool that applies a background to all images in a directory. This tool is used for applying backgrounds to images containing a "green screen", to substitute in a different background while retaining the subject.


Tech Used:

  • Python
    • NumPy
    • OpenCV
Monte Carlo Simulation
Craps Die

This project simulates the game of Craps to find the odds of winning through brute force. It uses NumPy to greatly increase the speed of the game simulations.


Tech Used:

  • Python
    • NumPy
List Manager
To do list

A console-based list-making program to help manage tasks. This program allows you to create lists with tasks that have a priority and status.


Tech Used:

  • C++ (with Standard Library)
Resize Image

A script that uses NumPy to resize images by a scaling factor.


Tech Used:

  • Python
    • NumPy
Planet Edge Detection
Edges of Planet

A function that uses convolution to detect the edges of a planet in an image.


Tech Used:

  • Python
    • NumPy
    • OpenCV
    • SciPy