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Cameron Falls

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Using a Custom Domain Name with GitHub Pages and Squarespace

Posted: 6/20/2024

For years, I've been hosting my personal website here with GitHub Pages. The domain name, as in the address you type to get here, had been left as the default fallscameron01.github.io, which, while convenient, is not exactly an easy thing for people to remember. It's definitely not something you can easily speak aloud, either. Plus, it just looked a bit unfinished. So, I finally decided to register my own domain name...

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Plotting Q-Learning

Posted: 6/16/2020

Following my project in the Q-Learning Cart Pole problem, I decided to create an easier way to visualize the Q-Learning process. For this project, the goal was to easily create graphs to display the results and progression from Q-Learning. Using pandas and matplotlib, I created a Python class that makes it easy to save and plot this data...

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Q-Learning Cart Pole

Posted: 6/11/2020

The goal of this project was to solve the Cart Pole problem from the Python OpenAI Gym library. The goal of the Cart Pole problem is to balance a pole on a cart that runs on a frictionless rail. The cart can only be affected by a push left (action 0) or a push right (action 1)...

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