The Cigna Group

TECDP Senior Analyst - Application Developer

Jul 2024 - Present

The Cigna Group

TECDP Senior Analyst - Software Engineer

Jul 2023 - Jul 2024

  • Assisted in the migration of Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) data applications to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Health Lake by modifying Python scripts and SQL queries in DynamoDB to use modular functionality.
  • Provided support to production applications by monitoring AWS Glue job and AWS Step Function runs, communicating with users and developers, investigating issues, and rerunning jobs as necessary.
  • Developed a Python script using the Boto3 library to automate the retrieval of AWS Glue job runs, filtering from a list of job names stored in an S3 bucket and aggregating the run data to identify commonly failing jobs and error patterns.
  • Engineered SQL queries to tabulate and filter ServiceNow ticket resolution data from a Microsoft SQL Server database to aid in identifying the type and frequency of common issues.
  • Collaborated with the development team to resolve an issue with data inconsistency in a URL pattern; performed root cause analysis to identify the inconsistency by querying an API using Postman and assisted in deploying the corrected code from the development environment to production.
  • Researched and documented FHIR resources on the AWS cloud to aid in resolving tickets by promoting familiarity with the extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipeline flows of the resources.
Multirotor Design Team

Chief Software Engineer

May 2022 - May 2023

  • Directed the software team in a sprint-based development cycle in order to meet targets for competition completion.
  • Coordinated between hardware and software teams to ensure successful deployment of autonomous code to drone.

Digital Software Intern

May 2022 - Aug 2022

  • Created an Oracle SQL database and PowerBI dashboard to track support tickets with a third-party company in an effort to generate useful metrics to grade the level of support that Ameren receives.
  • Modified AutoSys processes to improve reliability and process flow in order to reduce errors.
Multirotor Design Team

Computer Vision Team Member

Aug 2019 - Aug 2020, Aug 2021 - Aug 2022

  • Developed advanced computer vision algorithms to process camera data and provide relevant information to the flight team.
  • Implemented an algorithm to detect the location of a module by using NumPy and OpenCV to find the four holes on the module, filter out noise, and calculate the center point, which enabled the flight team to attempt retrieving the module.

App Development Student Co-op

May 2021 - May 2022

  • Utilized Python to automate the updating of supervisor contacts by querying an employee database for current location and contact information in an effort to allow workers quick access to area supervisor names and phone numbers.
  • Designed a script to create patrol points and associate points with previous data using ArcPy geoprocessing tools in order to assist vegetation ground patrol teams.
  • Created scripts to generate and email PDF documents based on input to safety forms with the aim of providing confirmation and documentation of safety inspection results to inspectors.
  • Developed JavaScript widgets to display a moving radar and lightning strikes on a web map for use by the transmission operations team to identify hazards that can cause outages.
  • Added error handling and notification capabilities to notify developers by email when a scheduled script encountered errors.
  • Implemented Python scripts to populate databases with new information and keep existing entries up to date.
  • Devised standardized script using Python to generate and email PDF documents from a formatted safety form, reducing redundancy and making it easier to deploy new forms.
Multirotor Design Team

Computer Vision Team Lead

Aug 2020 - Aug 2021

  • Led and mentored members of the vision team to work together to achieve competition goals.
  • Managed computer vision software development by creating and assigning tasks to vision team members in an effort to make progress towards objectives.